Monday, January 27, 2014

If Only My Girlfriend Understood Football

I know I'm asking a lot of this post, but I really wish my girlfriend understood football, even just a little bit of it. I'm not asking her to participate in a fantasy football league with me, but I just wish she understood it so she could see why I enjoy watching it so much. Now I realize that being in a healthy relationship requires me to give a little so I can expect to watch football all weekend long from late August until early February like used to when I was single. But I do wish she could understand that the only games I really care to see is the Michigan game on Saturday and Lions on Sunday. Only two games out of the roughly 100 or more games being played on any given weekend.

The game of football confuses my girlfriend, she doesn't understand the downs, the yards, and why they run the plays that they run. All of these things are perfectly acceptable, she doesn't have to be John Madden but I'd like to see her take an interest in it. Not give me crap about how I'm watching some stupid game. I don't give her crap about the things we watch on TV during the week, this needs to be a two-way road. And I'm not always opposed to missing a game here or there so long as they aren't the important ones. So during the Michigan schedule I don't want to miss the Michigan State game, the Ohio State game, or the Notre Dame game even though they won't play Notre Dame anymore after 2014. As for the Lions, well that changes from year to year. I hate missing good games, like a Monday night or Sunday night game and I hate missing games when they're still in the hunt for the playoffs. The moment they're eliminated from playoff contention I'll skip any and all games.

The one thing I want is for her to understand it a little bit and just show some interest in football, but I know that's asking a lot haha.

1 comment:

  1. Some of your posts show elements of self-reflection but does the platform interfere with what you want to say and how to say it?
