After reading Writing as Self-Revelation by Luella Cook, I've come to my own self-revelation. In her article she speaks of labels people are given, mainly introverts or extroverts. She says that introverts are often thought of as shy, lonely, inarticulate, over-thinkers while extroverts are the type to fit into any group and situation, never at a loss for words. This got me thinking... which category would I fall into?
I started thinking, well I am a shy individual at first but once I've gotten comfortable around new groups or even classmates, it seems like I never shut up. It's almost as if I'm a cross between the introverted and extroverted. Yes, I am shy at first but that's only because I'm taking the time to assess the new person or people I am meeting. So you could say that I have just begun to over-think something as simple as meeting new people, but here's the thing... I'm a very sarcastic, very sharp witted person. Some people tend to get rubbed the wrong way by those of us who use sarcasm frequently while holding conversations. I take a small amount of time to try and get a feel for those around because let's face it, nothing is worse than meeting someone who is just awful to be around. And I don't want to be that someone who is awful to be around, so if I'm quiet at first it's not because I'm scared. I look at it as being selectively shy.
That being said, I do know what areas I can hold conversations for days about and what conversations I'm lucky to say three sentences about. Movies, entertainment, sports, pop culture, those things will lead to me talking your ear off but you try to mix in politics or religion and it's like trying to pry words out of a monk. My views on things in those areas don't always tend to line up with how I technically affiliate myself, which tends to bother some people who refuse to think outside the box in politics and religion. Often times I won't say much if I'm around someone new because I'm afraid my thoughts and views might upset or offend them. That's always my main goal/concern is to make a conscious effort not to upset or offend people I've just met, those type of things usually lead to more awkward run-ins from there on out.
So like I said, I don't really have a word for it because I'm not sure it exists but I see myself as being a mix between introverted and extroverted people... intrexverted? Any ideas what to call it are greatly appreciated.
If many of us hold back our real opinions in conversations, how is that so many are able to share deeply emotional material online? Is is distance? the anonymous factor?